

Registered sole proprietorship

Babenbergerring 9A

2700 Wr. Neustadt




Trade license: Professional photographer ( full scope )

VAT number:: ATU73408225

Company register number:FN 494902 y

FB-Gericht: A-2700 Wiener Neustadt

Professional law: Trade regulations:

District authority Wiener Neustadt

Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform:

You can also send any complaints to the e-mail address given above.

Copyright: The content of this site is protected. The informations are intended for personal use only. Any other use, including storing in databases, copying, every form of commercial usage, and / or disclosureto third parties, in parts or in revised form, is prohibited without permission of the publisher.

The content of this website is protected. The information is intended for personal use only. Any further use, in particular storage in databases, duplication and any form of commercial use as well as disclosure to third parties – even in part or in revised form – without the consent of the publisher is prohibited.

 © 2018-2024 All rights reserved, CAINACADIE

Member of the WKO, WKNÖ, Provincial Guild of Professional Photographers

Member of Professional Photographers Austria.

Member of Bildrecht.

Affiliate at Adobe. 

Affiliate at Jimdo.


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The author assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the author relating to material or non-material damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of the author. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

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Information pursuant to § 19 (3) AStG

Alternative Dispute Resolution Act - Online stores

The european commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) which is accessible at We are not obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.