Caina Cadie Drawings
A HANDMADE MEMENTO The perfect gift for any occasion. Do you dream of turning your photos into a work of art? If so, a pencil drawing might be just the thing for you. As a professional artist, I can turn…
10 Questions for Caina Cadie
Question: Your life without photography would be… ? A: Not so exciting. (laughs) Question: Art / photography or love? A: First Love. Because without love there is no “real” art. Every masterpiece is created with love. So no “or”, but…
MENSCHENBILDER 2024/2025 is an exhibition of professional photographers from Lower Austria that will take place in Baden bei Wien. This event is part of a larger “Menschenbilder” (Human Images) project that has evolved into a traveling exhibition showcasing photography throughout…
F.A.G. International’s: TORION
F.A.G. International has launched TORION, a robust cybersecurity suite tailored for the 21st century, aimed at protecting mobile devices, laptops, and network nodes. This initiative marks the company’s entry into the cybersecurity sector, enhancing its reputation as a leading financier…